Tile Mansion Emulator Pc

Tile Mansion - Dive into a World of Puzzles, Design, & Secrets!

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Tile Mansion On Pc

Tile Mansion – Puzzle & Design

Developer: Apprope AB

Category: Puzzle

★★ 3.9

Embark on a captivating journey with Anna in Tile Mansion – Puzzle & Design by Apprope AB. The main character, Anna, finds herself in possession of her uncle’s old mansion, unraveling its secrets, and engaging in the delightful task of renovating and designing her dream home. Along the way, Anna forges new connections with friends and uncovers intriguing stories that shape the narrative of her inherited mansion.

Tile Mansion – Match Identical Tiles to Progress

In Tile Mansion, you will be introduced to a simple yet engaging puzzle design. The gameplay involves clicking tiles to add them to a stack and strategically matching three identical tiles to clear them from the board. However, you must be mindful, as the stack has a limit of 7 tiles, exceeding which leads to failure. The challenge lies in solving tile puzzles to progress in the game and earn exciting bonus items that contribute to the unfolding stories and character development.

The allure of Tile Mansion Puzzle & Design lies in its blend of straightforward puzzle design, compelling stories, and the opportunity to participate actively in the narrative. The presence of friends enriches Anna’s journey, the discovery of secrets, and the creative process of designing her inherited mansion.

Decorate the Mansion With Anna

As you delve into the Tile Mansion, showcase your creativity by personalizing it, making it a true reflection of Anna’s vision. Experience the joy of being an integral part of Anna’s story, where the keywords – tile mansion, tile mansion puzzle & design, and puzzle design – seamlessly intertwine with the gameplay, characters, and charming tales waiting to be uncovered.

Join Anna as she transforms her inherited mansion into a masterpiece, solving puzzles, making friends, and revealing secrets. Tile Mansion offers a unique and immersive gaming experience where puzzle-solving and creative expression converge, allowing players to shape the destiny of Anna and her enchanting world.

Fun-Filled Tile Mansion Puzzle & Design Game Features

  • Uncover secrets and forge connections with friends
  • Click and match similar tiles
  • Beware of the 7-tile stack limit for an added challenge
  • Earn exciting bonus items
  • Showcase creativity by personalizing Anna’s mansion

Embark on an epic journey with Anna in Tile Mansion – Puzzle & Design on your PC now! Immerse yourself in the captivating world of secrets, friends, and creative design. Click here to experience the thrill of unraveling mysteries and shaping Anna’s destiny. Explore our website for many similar puzzle games to keep the excitement alive. You can play Storyngton Hall and Tile Triple 3D. Your adventure awaits—play now and discover the joy of endless puzzles and captivating narratives!

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EmulatorPC, is developed and powered by a Patented Android Wrapping Technology, built for the PC environment, unlike other emulators in the market.

EmulatorPC encapsulates quality mobile Apps for PC use, providing its users with seamless experience without the hassle of running an emulator beforehand.

To start using this program, simply download any selected Apps Installer. It will then install both the game and the wrapper system into your system, and create a shortcut on your desktop. Controls have been pre-defined in the current version for the time being, control setting varies per game.

EmulatorPC is built for Windows 7 and up. It’s a great tool that brings PC users closer to enjoying quality seamless experience of their favorite Android games on a Desktop environment. Without the hassle of running another program before playing or installing their favorite Apps.

Our system now supported by 32 and 64 bit.

Minimum System Requirements

EmulatorPC may be installed on any computer that satisfies the criteria listed below:

Icons OS
Operating System

Windows 7 or above

Icons CPU

Intel or AMD

Icon RAM

At least 2GB

Icons HDD

5GB Free Disk Space

Icons GPU

OpenGL 2.0+ support