Paper Plane Planet Emulator Pc

Paper Plane Planet - Master the Art of Paper Aviation & Soar High

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Paper Plane Planet On Pc

Paper Plane Planet

Developer: OHM Games

Category: Action


Paper Plane Planet is an engaging arcade game developed by OHM Games available for free download. This game takes the simple concept of paper plane tossing and elevates it to an exciting new level, providing players with a unique gaming experience. With its straightforward gameplay, Paper Plane Planet game offers endless fun and adventure for all ages. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a seasoned pro, you’ll find yourself captivated by this immersive game. Are you ready to take flight and explore the sky?

Soaring High with Innovative Features

Unleash your adventurous spirit with Paper Plane Planet, a game packed with features that keep you hooked for hours. As you navigate your paper plane through different paths, you’ll encounter light flares that not only guide your way but boost your flight speed, propelling your plane further into the skies.

This paper plane game also allows you to enhance your skills in three critical areas – launch power, gliding, and earning offline coins. Each successful flight earns you in-game currency, which you can use to level up these skills and dominate the sky. With its stunning 3D graphics, Paper Plane Planet game offers a visual treat, bringing the beautiful island and the far-reaching sky to life right on your screen.

Guide to Navigating the Skies in Paper Plane Planet

Embarking on your journey with Paper Plane Planet is as simple as a long press on your screen. The moment you let go, your paper plane takes flight, ready to explore the vast sky and the beautiful island below. Your primary task is to guide your plane along the light flares, which not only show you the path but also give your plane an additional push, helping it soar higher and faster.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. With each successful flight, you earn in-game currency, the amount of which depends on the distance your plane has covered. You can use this currency to level up your launch power, gliding skills, and ability to earn offline coins. As you progress, you’ll uncover the secrets of effective paper plane flying and discover hidden spots on the island. Paper Plane Planet is more than just a game – it’s a thrilling adventure that tests your skills and offers endless fun. Ready to take flight?

Sky-High Highlights of Paper Plane Planet

  • Navigate your paper plane through different paths guided by light flares.
  • Boost your flight speed with each encounter of a light flare.
  • Enhance your skills in three areas: launch power, gliding, and earning offline coins.
  • Earn in-game currency with each successful flight.
  • Experience stunning 3D graphics that bring the island and sky to life on your screen.

Ready to take flight? Dive into the captivating world of Paper Plane Planet and experience the thrill of navigating your own paper plane. Best of all, it’s absolutely free to play! Download Paper Plane Planet today and embark on an adventure that will have you soaring through stunning 3D landscapes, mastering the art of flight, and earning rewards along the way.

But why stop there? Extend your gaming horizons with other exhilarating action games like Warplanes Inc. and Sky Warriors. These games promise high-octane action, strategic gameplay, and hours of fun.

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EmulatorPC, is developed and powered by a Patented Android Wrapping Technology, built for the PC environment, unlike other emulators in the market.

EmulatorPC encapsulates quality mobile Apps for PC use, providing its users with seamless experience without the hassle of running an emulator beforehand.

To start using this program, simply download any selected Apps Installer. It will then install both the game and the wrapper system into your system, and create a shortcut on your desktop. Controls have been pre-defined in the current version for the time being, control setting varies per game.

EmulatorPC is built for Windows 7 and up. It’s a great tool that brings PC users closer to enjoying quality seamless experience of their favorite Android games on a Desktop environment. Without the hassle of running another program before playing or installing their favorite Apps.

Our system now supported by 32 and 64 bit.

Minimum System Requirements

EmulatorPC may be installed on any computer that satisfies the criteria listed below:

Icons OS
Operating System

Windows 7 or above

Icons CPU

Intel or AMD

Icon RAM

At least 2GB

Icons HDD

5GB Free Disk Space

Icons GPU

OpenGL 2.0+ support